
The keys:
[Z] or [W] Go forward
[S] Go back
[Q] or [A] Left
[R] Right
[ESC] Exit
[F] Fly / Walk

In fly mode:
Right click mouse up
Mouse left click go down

Change the hour of the day, a number and validate with the [Enter] key:
1200 for 12:00
1730 for 17:30
800 for 08:00

Change the weather forecast, a number and validate with the [Enter] key:
3000 clear skies
3001 Partly Cloudy
3002 Cloudy
3003 Covered
3004 Misty
3005 Light rain
3006 Rain
3007 Thunderstorm
3008 Light snow
3009 Snow
3010 Blizzard

Change the duration of the day and night in minutes, one digit and validate with the [Enter] key:
4010 Duration at 10 minutes, default value.
4001 Duration at 1 minute.
4960 Duration at 960 minutes or 16 hours.